In our final Poet’s Corner for 2023, Alana Potgieter tunes into the rhythms of nature accompanying an unheralded summer storm.
At Christmas-near
the unheralded summer storm-gift
bursts unlooked-for
unpredicted in this finely-tuned tamed age:
de novo plink-plonking overtures strain
an increasing staccato upon my tinny roof,
a rare rumble speaks the language of my heart
The rain curtains rage
across the arid Adelaide plain
this thirsty red land rejoicing
sing rejoicing
as the sky flares out Nature’s spectacular art
Oh sing my heart
upon this parched and dusty stage
Tomorrow it will bloom green
rivers will flow in thirsty tracks
full but for a day before drying up again
for an age
but it is Christmas-near
with a rainbow-over
so jubilant, sing noël.
Living in South Australia, Alana Potgieter is a veterinarian from South Africa who takes immense joy and inspiration from the natural world and feels a deep connection to it. She is most often to be found in the garden that she and her husband have created from the soil up, or reading a book with one of her spoilt kitties on her lap.