Poem: Mother Ganga

This week’s Poet’s Corner contribution comes from Stephen House and was written during a literature residency in India.

May 01, 2024, updated Mar 18, 2025
Photo: Kaustubh Nayyar / Wikimedia Commons
Photo: Kaustubh Nayyar / Wikimedia Commons

Mother Ganga

I stand

hold the rusty chain
that stops bathing people
being swept away

and lower my body
into the healing stream
of Mother Ganga

flowing fast into the plains of India
from the Himalayas north

and unexpectedly
(for I am a sceptic
until something
is scientifically proven)

I instantly feel my inner dirt
being washed away

and a renewal take place

and I do know
|what I feel

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whether I believe it
or not.

Stephen House lives in Adelaide. The recipient of awards and nominations as a poet, playwright and actor, he has had 20 plays produced, with the majority commissioned and published by Australian Plays Transform. He has also been the recipient of international literature residencies from the Australia Council for the Arts, and an Asialink India literature one during which today’s poem was written, and featured by the UK Poetry Life and Times. Two monologue chapbooks – ‘The Ajoona Guest House’, also written on his Asialink India residency, and ‘Real and Unreal’ –  have been published by ICOE Press Australia, with a third chapbook forthcoming. His poetry has been variously published, and he performs his monologues widely. His play ‘Johnny Chico’, ran for four years in Spain. More about Stephen can be found here.

Readers’ original and unpublished poems of up to 40 lines can be emailed, with postal address, to [email protected]. Submissions should be in the body of the email, not as attachments. A poetry book will be awarded to each accepted contributor.